Field Biology
University of California Berkeley: B.A. Geography, 1992
• Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting: Contract Field Biologist, 1997- present
• Applied Technology and Science, Contract Field Biologist, 2009- Present
• Wetlands and Water Resources, Contract Field Biologist 1997-present
• Chambers Group, Inc. Associate Biologist/ Botanist, Irvine, CA. 1996
• Ecosystems Biologist/ Botanist, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 1993-
Additional contract work for Biomaas, Garcia and Associates, U.R.S, Wrecco, NOREAS
and others.
Mr. McCoy has over 25 years of professional experience in the fields of wildlife biology,
ecology, restoration, and botany. He has used his diverse field experience and technical
skills on a multitude of projects throughout California and Arizona in a variety of habitats.
While as an independent consultant he has provided integral qualitative and quantitative
input to many wildlife and sensitive species surveys, habitat assessments, restoration
projects, riparian and wetland restoration, species natural history summaries, long-term
monitoring plans, environmental inspections, construction monitoring, wetland delineations,
environmental education and other habitat evaluations.
As a wildlife biologist, he has conducted surveys for and holds 10A(1)(a) federal permits for
a variety of species (see attached list) for many State and Federally Threatened and
Endangered species throughout California and Arizona including Red-Legged Frog,
California Tiger Salamander and Fairy Shrimp. He has extensive experience with sensitive
avian, mammalian, reptile, amphibian, fish and invertebrate species.
As a restoration ecologist, Mr. McCoy is an expert on the ecology, delineation and
restoration of several habitat types including experience with coastal sage scrub, oak
woodlands, and wetland habitats including vernal pools, salt and freshwater marshes, and
riparian habitats. He is familiar with characteristic soils, vegetation and hydrology associated
with these habitat types throughout much of California and Arizona. Mr. McCoy has
conducted many wetland delineations throughout California.
As botanist, he has conducted rare plant surveys, floristic inventories and habitat
assessments throughout California and Arizona. He has direct experience with many rare
plant species throughout California.
1. Avian
Bald eagle, GoldeneEagle, and Burrowing owl surveys and monitoring: Sunol Wilderness
area, near Sunol, Ca.
Yearly monitoring and surveying for nesting Bald and Golden Eagles. 1 Active Bald Eagle
Nest and 1 active Golden Eagle nest. ATS 2013-present
Burrowing owl surveys, trapping and banding: Camp Parks Army Base, Dublin, Ca.
Baseline surveys for burrowing owls, monitoring, trapping and banding of adults and chicks
using spring nets and one-way doors. Located 12 nesting burrowing owls. Over 25 owls
banded with standard USGS bands. Vollmar Consulting 2014-2015
Burrowing Owl surveys, Moffet Field, NASA, Mountain View, CA
Surveys for resident population of burrowing owls, and other birds.
Debra Chromzak consulting 2015
Baseline ecology surveys for all avian species: New Apple Campus, Cupertino. Baseline
surveys for all bird species over a 6-month period, including wintering migrants and nesting
birds. All species identified by call and/or sight. Vollmar Consulting 2013-15.
Swainsons Hawk and Burrowing Owl Surveys: Near Madera, Ca. Surveys for nesting
Raptors as well as full avian species list on a 500-acre ranch. Located Swainsons hawks and
burrowing owl nests. Vollmar Consulting, 2013
Willits bypass nesting bird surveys: Willits, Ca. Nesting bird surveys along a 6-mile stretch
for all native nesting birds. Surveys included identification by song and calls as well as
searching for nests and construction monitoring. Songbirds and Raptors. Over 100 species
identified in field. Biomaas Consulting. 2013
Avian Bird Counts; Blacklock Marsh, Susuin Ca. Three month study of avian use in a
restored marsh. Surveys, Point counts and nest searches of native avian species including
Black Rails, Common Yellowthroat, Herons, Marsh Wrens and Susuin Song Sparrow. Point
Reyes Bird Observatory and Wetlands And Water Resources. 2012, 2013
Avian surveys for San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Water Pipeline
Improvement Project. South San Francisco Bay (Calaveras Dam to Atherton). Worked in
a variety of habits conducting surveys, inspection, monitoring, and relocation of species
along water pipeline replacement. Species included: Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, Burrowing
Owl, Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles, California Red Legged Frog, California Tiger
Salamander, Dusky Footed Wood rats, Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse, Migratory and Nesting
Birds. Also conducted Environmental Inspection at water pipeline construction areas for
biological issues. For Applied Technology and Science (ATS). 2010-2013.
Las Gallinas Wetland Monitoring, Marin County, CA. Construction monitor for Clapper
Rail, Black Rail and other sensitive wildlife and habitat in Marin County wetlands for
sewage pipe repairs. Siegel Wetlands and Water Resources. 2010, 2012
California gnatcatcher and Southwest Willow Flycatcher surveys, Laguna Hills, Orange
County Cal. Ongoing surveys for gnatcatchers and willow flycatchers in coastal sage scrub
and riparian habitat in Southern California. Identification by sight and sound. 1996
Chambers Group, Irvine, Ca.
Goshawk and Spotted Owl Surveys, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest near Flagstaff
Arizona. 3 month genetic study of Goshawk population in Arizona. Surveys, trapping and
banding of adults and chicks conducted with Dho Gaza nets. Blood was drawn and animals
were handled. Spotted Owl Surveys conducted as well for nesting birds. 1993 Arizona
Game and Fish.
2. Reptiles and Amphibians
California Tiger Salamander Surveys, Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield Ca. Three month
project conducting surveys for CTS on grassy airfield areas. Martin Brothers Construction.
California Tiger and Red Legged Frog Surveys, San Antonio Creek and Sheep Camp
Creek, Sunol, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Surveys for CTS and CRLF on
large restoration site at San Antonio Creek and 3 stock ponds. Identified tadpoles, eggs and
adults of both species. At Sheep Camp Creek, as the permitted biologist, participated in
draining of two large ponds of Bullfrogs and Fish. Bullfrogs were euthanized. CTS and
CRLF captured and relocated. 2014-2017 ATS, Avila consulting.
California Tiger Salamander Surveys: Potrero Hills Landfill Fairfield CA. Drift fence
trapping and relocation of hundreds of CTS adults and juveniles to mitigated area for landfill
expansion. Conducted during rainy season. Stock ponds and vernal pools also surveyed for
egg masses and larval stage. Handled and relocated over 100 CTS. Fairy Shrimp surveys
conducted concurrently. Biomaas 2014,2015,2016
California Tiger Salamander Surveys, La Purisima Conservation Bank, Santa Barbara,
Ca. Conducted surveys for CTS in stock ponds on a 300 acre land preserve outside of Santa
Barbara. CTS present in stock ponds. Also conducted rare plant surveys. 2015,2016
Alameda whipsnake and California newt surveys, Tilden Park, Berkeley, CA.
Restoration of section of Wildcat Creek in Tilden Park. Relocation of California Newts,
Alameda whipsnake and other species in creek bed. Construction monitoring. 2012,
Vollmar Consulting
California Tiger Salamander Surveys:San Francisco Public Utilities Commission,
Oakdale. Conducted surveys and monitoring over 2-mile area of SFPUC water pipeline near
Oakdale, CA running to the foothills of the Sierras. Surveyed for CTS larvae and reclocated
adults. Surveyed for Vernal pool fairy shrimp and discovered new populations, construction
monitoring of Burrowing Owls, Golden and Bald Eagles and nesting avian species on site.
6-month project. 2012, 2013 ATS
Blunt Nose Leopard Lizard Surveys: San Joaquin Valley Water District. Transect surveys
through area targeted for vernal pool restoration. Surveys over 2 months. Located new
Blunt Nose population and observed in field. Detection visually and by scat. 2012 Vollmar
California Red Legged Frog Relocation: City of Atherton Creek Restoration City of
Atherton. Surveys, monitoring and relocation of Red-Legged-Frogs along a .5-mile section
of Atherton Creek for creek restoration and stabilization of banks. Hundreds of frogs
relocated. 2011. Sandy Etchell consulting
California Tiger Salamander and Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) surveys Rancho
Arroyo Seco near Ione Cal. Yearly surveys on large ranch for California Tiger
Salamanders (adults and Larvae), Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) and other sensitive
species in vernal pools and wetlands onsite.Vollmar Consulting. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014
Yellow Legged Frog Surveys Feather River Plumas County. 2 month long project working
everyday on 71 miles of river and side drainages. Surveys for Yellow Legged Frog adults
and sub adults as well as other reptiles and amphibians. Robe Konkle – Homes Terra Mar
Red-Legged Frog and San Francisco Garter Snake Surveys. San Francisco Airport.
Surveys for Red legged frogs and San Francisco Garter Snake in local creek near S.F.
airport. Outlying and isolated population. Tadpole and adults surveys at stations along creek
in water traps. San Francisco Garter Snake also in area. Identification of other frogs and fish
including gambuzia and stickleback. Ibis Environmental. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006
3. Fairy Shrimp and Invertebrates
Fairy Shrimp Surveys: Potrero Hills Landfill, Fairfield, CA.
Surveys in series of vernal pools both natural and created. Over 75 vernal pools sampled.
Discovered Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (B.lynchii), Conservatory Fairy Shrimp
(B.Conservatio), California Fairy Shrimp and Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp. Recorded all
other invertebrates. 2014,2015,2016 Biomaas.
City of Roseville Fairy Shrimp Surveys. Conducted fairy shrimp surveys in hundreds of
vernal pools throughout the city of Roseville near Sacramento. Discovered new pools with
Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (B. lynchii) GPS and vegetation and invertebrate information
collected as well. Vollmar Consulting 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014, 2015, 2016
Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Surveys: Kelsey Ranch/ Merced River riparian surveys.
Surveys on 1000+ acre ranch in 40 year old dredge tailings for sensitive species including
Swainsons hawk, Elderbery bushes (Sambucus mexicanus) for elderberry longhorn beetle,
and California Tiger Salamanders. Recording of species found and mapping onto GPS.
Vollmar Consulting. 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
Merced County fairy shrimp and vernal pool surveys. Very large project covering
thousands of acres over approximately . the size of Merced County. Surveys conducted on
large ranches in over 500 vernal pools. Fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchii, B. mesovallensis
and B. conservatio found on site in addition to Linderiella occidentalis. Species
identification in field as well as in Lab. GPS collection of all vernal pools visited. Large
database of Merced vernal pool information. Extension of previously known fairy shrimp
habitat as well as new populations of the Endangered B. conservatio fairy shrimp. Other
sensitive species include tadpole shrimp, spadefoot toads, and tiger salamanders. 4 months.
Spring 2001,2002
4. Mammals
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Surveys: Nasa Aames Research Center. Menlo Park, CA.
Conducted environmental and biological construction monitoring for removal
of an old jet fuel pipeline in salt marsh wetlands. Conducted surveys for Salt
Marsh Harvest Mouse, Nesting Clapper Rails, Least Tern and Migratory
Nesting Birds. Responsible for conducting contractor training, which detailed
mitigation measures and Sensitive Species issues. Also completed daily reports.
Debra Chromzak Consulting, 2012
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Trapping and Surveys. City of San Francisco. Surveys for salt
marsh harvest mouse and other small mammals including mice, voles, moles, wood rats
along San Francisco and Marin Headlands. Taking of house mice (mus musculus) and others
for tissue sampling. Small mammal cages. Pit trap surveys for invertebrates. Project for
Lead contamination in small mammals from lead paint from the Golden Gate Bridge. Soma
Corporation. Spring and Summer 2002.
Merced County Kit Fox Surveys. Surveys for kit fox on two large ranches in Merced
County. Surveys included various types of trapping methods as well as eye shine surveys at
night. Ibis Environmental Fall 2001.
Kit Fox Kiewit fiber optic line surveys. Lines surveyed include Oakland to Sacramento,
Oakland to San Jose and Paso Robles to Los Angeles. Pre-construction surveys for sensitive
species. Included Swainsons hawk, burrowing owl, kit fox, red-legged frog, Least Bells
vireo and rare plant pre-construction surveys. Sensitive habitat flagging for vernal pool, salt
and fresh water marsh, riparian habitat, elderberry trees, oaks and other sensitive species.
Levine and Fricke, 2000
5. Botanical
Potrero Landfills Botanical Surveys. Surveys and construction monitoring for
all botanical species and rare plants. Area consisted of grasslands and vernal
pools. Rare plants include Astragalus tener tener, and Lasthenia congugens
Mapping and GPS. BIOMAAS 2014,2015,2016
Roseville Vernal Pool Botany Surveys. Botanical surveys in created and natural vernal
pools throughout the city of Roseville. Discovered new populations of Downingia pusilla
Vollmar Consulting 2010, 2013,2014,2015,2016
Walker Ridge Botanical Surveys. Surveys for rare and sensitive plants in Lake County.
Serpentine Soils on long ridgeline. Many local species and new range extensions.
Vollmar Consulting. 2010, 2011,2012
Plumas National Forest Rare Plant Surveys. Over 1000 acres. Surveys for rare plants as
well as exotics. All populations GPS and flagged. Plants found include the sensitive species
Hackelia amythestina and Penstemon sudans. Mixed conifer. Vollmar Consulting 2006
Contra Costa Goldfields Montezuma Wetlands Vernal Pool Surveys. North S.F. Bay. Rare
plant surveys and mapping vernal pools. Species identification including threatened and
endangered plants. Located species include Downingia pusilla,, and Astragalus tener var.
tener. Vollmar Consulting 2003, 2005
Botanical surveys Tejon Ranch. Ft. Tejon. Over 14,000 acre surveys of oak woodland and
scrub habitat in undeveloped wilderness area in the Tehachapi mountains. Surveys for rare
and endangered plant species as well as full botanical inventory. Surveys conducted on
ATV and foot. Many new and previously undiscovered species were identified including Ft.
Tejon Wooly sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum hallii) and Navaretia setiloba Vollmar
Consulting 2003, 2004, 2005
Arizona Riparian Mapping Project Arizona Game and Fish- Nongame Branch. Statewide,
AZ. Employed as a field biologist for groundtruthing riparian habitat as part of a large scale
mapping project using satellite imagery. Extensive field identification of hundreds of plant
taxa in perennial riparian and upland habitats throughout Arizona. Identification of grasses,
herbs, shrubs, trees in quarter acre riparian plots. Intensive willow (Salix) training by George
Argus (writer of Arizona Flora section on Salix) for identification purposes in mountain
regions. GPS all information. 2 year project. 5 days a week in field. Arizona Game and Fish.
6. Riparian and Wetland Restoration, Monitoring and Wetland Delineations
San Antonio Creek Restoration, Enhancement and Rehabilitation, Sunol, Ca. SFPUC.
Large plant restoration with over 100,000 container plants of a variety of native wetland and
riparian species. Performance monitoring conducted in a variety of habitats, including
riparian corridors, wetlands, sycamore riparian, oak woodland and oak savannah. Weed
abatement and removal, wetland delineations and rangeland surveys also conducted. A.T.S.
Vernal Pool Study in the City of Roseville, Ca. A 2-year study looking at created and
natural vernal pools for mitigation sites created over the last 10 years. Comparison of
vernal pool “success” against natural pools. Topographic and biological surveys of Vernal
Pools. Includes full invertebrate sampling. Vollmar Consulting 2010, 2011, 2012,
Aqua Fria Creek Restoration: SFPUC, Seismic Upgrade, Freemont, CA.
Designed and implemented restoration plan for section of Aqua Fria Creek that had been
cleared for installation of water pipeline. Restoration included Red willow, Black walnut,
Oaks, Sedges and Rushes, Mule fat, Buckeye and many other species. 2013, 2014, 2015
Wildcat Creek restoration and watershed monitoring in Tilden Park, Berkeley, Ca. 3-
month restoration of portion of wildcat creek damaged in 2010 storm. Monitoring of
watershed, environmental inspection and construction compliance monitoring. Daily
inspection and testing of water quality. Surveyed for California Red- Legged Frog and
California Tiger Salamander. Supervised and relocation California Newts and other species
in watershed. Revegetation of creek. Vollmar Consulting, 2012
Rancho Arroyo Seco Wetland Delineation, Ione, Ca. Formal wetland delineation on
approximately 500-acre site. Delineation with Munsel soil charts, plant identification and
hydrological analysis. 2010 Vollmar Consulting
Yolo Wetland Delineation. Yolo County. Wetland delineation for proposed restoration area.
1000-acre site. Wetlands and Water Resources 2010.
Meyer Cookware Wetland/ Goldfields Mitigation Project. Fairfield, CA. Ongoing vernal
Pool restoration on a 59-acre parcel near Fairfield, Cal. with emphasis on research of
controlling factors for Contra Costa goldfields (Lasthenia conjugens). Biologist/ Botanist for
a multi-faceted wetland/ rare plant mitigation project. Surveying includes wildlife,
hydrology and botany of area. Natural history research. Botanical work includes conducting
an ecological study of ten goldfield populations in the Fairfield area. Yearly monitoring.
Vollmar Consulting 1997- 2005
Arizona Riparian Mapping Project. Statewide, Arizona. 2 year state wide riparian
inventory and mapping project in Arizona which included ground truthing Landsat imagery
and aerial photos delineating riparian habitat from upland communities onto maps utilizing
Global Positioning Systems (GPS); identifying all riparian and upland vegetation species
within the state of Arizona; assessing statewide conditions based upon searches for sensitive
and/or threatened species, hydrological parameters, and land use impacts. Project work
required extended hiking and camping in remote areas, as well as the supervision of staff
members and volunteers. Extensive restoration guidelines were also developed. Arizona
Game and Fish Nongame Branch. 1993-1995
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Permits 10(a)(1)(A) TE-035336-2 for
California Tiger Salamander (CTS)
Fairy Shrimp
Red Legged Frog (CRLF)
Scientific Collection Permit 007796- Includes collection of Bird Eggs, and Salvage, Fish
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Botanical Collection Permit
Vollmar Consulting John Vollmar 510-559-9603
A.T.S, Mark Fogiel (530) 277-0500 [email protected]
Siegel Wetlands. Stuart Siegel 415-823-3746 [email protected]
Field Biology
University of California Berkeley: B.A. Geography, 1992
• Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting: Contract Field Biologist, 1997- present
• Applied Technology and Science, Contract Field Biologist, 2009- Present
• Wetlands and Water Resources, Contract Field Biologist 1997-present
• Chambers Group, Inc. Associate Biologist/ Botanist, Irvine, CA. 1996
• Ecosystems Biologist/ Botanist, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 1993-
Additional contract work for Biomaas, Garcia and Associates, U.R.S, Wrecco, NOREAS
and others.
Mr. McCoy has over 25 years of professional experience in the fields of wildlife biology,
ecology, restoration, and botany. He has used his diverse field experience and technical
skills on a multitude of projects throughout California and Arizona in a variety of habitats.
While as an independent consultant he has provided integral qualitative and quantitative
input to many wildlife and sensitive species surveys, habitat assessments, restoration
projects, riparian and wetland restoration, species natural history summaries, long-term
monitoring plans, environmental inspections, construction monitoring, wetland delineations,
environmental education and other habitat evaluations.
As a wildlife biologist, he has conducted surveys for and holds 10A(1)(a) federal permits for
a variety of species (see attached list) for many State and Federally Threatened and
Endangered species throughout California and Arizona including Red-Legged Frog,
California Tiger Salamander and Fairy Shrimp. He has extensive experience with sensitive
avian, mammalian, reptile, amphibian, fish and invertebrate species.
As a restoration ecologist, Mr. McCoy is an expert on the ecology, delineation and
restoration of several habitat types including experience with coastal sage scrub, oak
woodlands, and wetland habitats including vernal pools, salt and freshwater marshes, and
riparian habitats. He is familiar with characteristic soils, vegetation and hydrology associated
with these habitat types throughout much of California and Arizona. Mr. McCoy has
conducted many wetland delineations throughout California.
As botanist, he has conducted rare plant surveys, floristic inventories and habitat
assessments throughout California and Arizona. He has direct experience with many rare
plant species throughout California.
1. Avian
Bald eagle, GoldeneEagle, and Burrowing owl surveys and monitoring: Sunol Wilderness
area, near Sunol, Ca.
Yearly monitoring and surveying for nesting Bald and Golden Eagles. 1 Active Bald Eagle
Nest and 1 active Golden Eagle nest. ATS 2013-present
Burrowing owl surveys, trapping and banding: Camp Parks Army Base, Dublin, Ca.
Baseline surveys for burrowing owls, monitoring, trapping and banding of adults and chicks
using spring nets and one-way doors. Located 12 nesting burrowing owls. Over 25 owls
banded with standard USGS bands. Vollmar Consulting 2014-2015
Burrowing Owl surveys, Moffet Field, NASA, Mountain View, CA
Surveys for resident population of burrowing owls, and other birds.
Debra Chromzak consulting 2015
Baseline ecology surveys for all avian species: New Apple Campus, Cupertino. Baseline
surveys for all bird species over a 6-month period, including wintering migrants and nesting
birds. All species identified by call and/or sight. Vollmar Consulting 2013-15.
Swainsons Hawk and Burrowing Owl Surveys: Near Madera, Ca. Surveys for nesting
Raptors as well as full avian species list on a 500-acre ranch. Located Swainsons hawks and
burrowing owl nests. Vollmar Consulting, 2013
Willits bypass nesting bird surveys: Willits, Ca. Nesting bird surveys along a 6-mile stretch
for all native nesting birds. Surveys included identification by song and calls as well as
searching for nests and construction monitoring. Songbirds and Raptors. Over 100 species
identified in field. Biomaas Consulting. 2013
Avian Bird Counts; Blacklock Marsh, Susuin Ca. Three month study of avian use in a
restored marsh. Surveys, Point counts and nest searches of native avian species including
Black Rails, Common Yellowthroat, Herons, Marsh Wrens and Susuin Song Sparrow. Point
Reyes Bird Observatory and Wetlands And Water Resources. 2012, 2013
Avian surveys for San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Water Pipeline
Improvement Project. South San Francisco Bay (Calaveras Dam to Atherton). Worked in
a variety of habits conducting surveys, inspection, monitoring, and relocation of species
along water pipeline replacement. Species included: Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, Burrowing
Owl, Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles, California Red Legged Frog, California Tiger
Salamander, Dusky Footed Wood rats, Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse, Migratory and Nesting
Birds. Also conducted Environmental Inspection at water pipeline construction areas for
biological issues. For Applied Technology and Science (ATS). 2010-2013.
Las Gallinas Wetland Monitoring, Marin County, CA. Construction monitor for Clapper
Rail, Black Rail and other sensitive wildlife and habitat in Marin County wetlands for
sewage pipe repairs. Siegel Wetlands and Water Resources. 2010, 2012
California gnatcatcher and Southwest Willow Flycatcher surveys, Laguna Hills, Orange
County Cal. Ongoing surveys for gnatcatchers and willow flycatchers in coastal sage scrub
and riparian habitat in Southern California. Identification by sight and sound. 1996
Chambers Group, Irvine, Ca.
Goshawk and Spotted Owl Surveys, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest near Flagstaff
Arizona. 3 month genetic study of Goshawk population in Arizona. Surveys, trapping and
banding of adults and chicks conducted with Dho Gaza nets. Blood was drawn and animals
were handled. Spotted Owl Surveys conducted as well for nesting birds. 1993 Arizona
Game and Fish.
2. Reptiles and Amphibians
California Tiger Salamander Surveys, Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield Ca. Three month
project conducting surveys for CTS on grassy airfield areas. Martin Brothers Construction.
California Tiger and Red Legged Frog Surveys, San Antonio Creek and Sheep Camp
Creek, Sunol, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Surveys for CTS and CRLF on
large restoration site at San Antonio Creek and 3 stock ponds. Identified tadpoles, eggs and
adults of both species. At Sheep Camp Creek, as the permitted biologist, participated in
draining of two large ponds of Bullfrogs and Fish. Bullfrogs were euthanized. CTS and
CRLF captured and relocated. 2014-2017 ATS, Avila consulting.
California Tiger Salamander Surveys: Potrero Hills Landfill Fairfield CA. Drift fence
trapping and relocation of hundreds of CTS adults and juveniles to mitigated area for landfill
expansion. Conducted during rainy season. Stock ponds and vernal pools also surveyed for
egg masses and larval stage. Handled and relocated over 100 CTS. Fairy Shrimp surveys
conducted concurrently. Biomaas 2014,2015,2016
California Tiger Salamander Surveys, La Purisima Conservation Bank, Santa Barbara,
Ca. Conducted surveys for CTS in stock ponds on a 300 acre land preserve outside of Santa
Barbara. CTS present in stock ponds. Also conducted rare plant surveys. 2015,2016
Alameda whipsnake and California newt surveys, Tilden Park, Berkeley, CA.
Restoration of section of Wildcat Creek in Tilden Park. Relocation of California Newts,
Alameda whipsnake and other species in creek bed. Construction monitoring. 2012,
Vollmar Consulting
California Tiger Salamander Surveys:San Francisco Public Utilities Commission,
Oakdale. Conducted surveys and monitoring over 2-mile area of SFPUC water pipeline near
Oakdale, CA running to the foothills of the Sierras. Surveyed for CTS larvae and reclocated
adults. Surveyed for Vernal pool fairy shrimp and discovered new populations, construction
monitoring of Burrowing Owls, Golden and Bald Eagles and nesting avian species on site.
6-month project. 2012, 2013 ATS
Blunt Nose Leopard Lizard Surveys: San Joaquin Valley Water District. Transect surveys
through area targeted for vernal pool restoration. Surveys over 2 months. Located new
Blunt Nose population and observed in field. Detection visually and by scat. 2012 Vollmar
California Red Legged Frog Relocation: City of Atherton Creek Restoration City of
Atherton. Surveys, monitoring and relocation of Red-Legged-Frogs along a .5-mile section
of Atherton Creek for creek restoration and stabilization of banks. Hundreds of frogs
relocated. 2011. Sandy Etchell consulting
California Tiger Salamander and Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) surveys Rancho
Arroyo Seco near Ione Cal. Yearly surveys on large ranch for California Tiger
Salamanders (adults and Larvae), Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) and other sensitive
species in vernal pools and wetlands onsite.Vollmar Consulting. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014
Yellow Legged Frog Surveys Feather River Plumas County. 2 month long project working
everyday on 71 miles of river and side drainages. Surveys for Yellow Legged Frog adults
and sub adults as well as other reptiles and amphibians. Robe Konkle – Homes Terra Mar
Red-Legged Frog and San Francisco Garter Snake Surveys. San Francisco Airport.
Surveys for Red legged frogs and San Francisco Garter Snake in local creek near S.F.
airport. Outlying and isolated population. Tadpole and adults surveys at stations along creek
in water traps. San Francisco Garter Snake also in area. Identification of other frogs and fish
including gambuzia and stickleback. Ibis Environmental. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006
3. Fairy Shrimp and Invertebrates
Fairy Shrimp Surveys: Potrero Hills Landfill, Fairfield, CA.
Surveys in series of vernal pools both natural and created. Over 75 vernal pools sampled.
Discovered Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (B.lynchii), Conservatory Fairy Shrimp
(B.Conservatio), California Fairy Shrimp and Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp. Recorded all
other invertebrates. 2014,2015,2016 Biomaas.
City of Roseville Fairy Shrimp Surveys. Conducted fairy shrimp surveys in hundreds of
vernal pools throughout the city of Roseville near Sacramento. Discovered new pools with
Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (B. lynchii) GPS and vegetation and invertebrate information
collected as well. Vollmar Consulting 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014, 2015, 2016
Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Surveys: Kelsey Ranch/ Merced River riparian surveys.
Surveys on 1000+ acre ranch in 40 year old dredge tailings for sensitive species including
Swainsons hawk, Elderbery bushes (Sambucus mexicanus) for elderberry longhorn beetle,
and California Tiger Salamanders. Recording of species found and mapping onto GPS.
Vollmar Consulting. 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
Merced County fairy shrimp and vernal pool surveys. Very large project covering
thousands of acres over approximately . the size of Merced County. Surveys conducted on
large ranches in over 500 vernal pools. Fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchii, B. mesovallensis
and B. conservatio found on site in addition to Linderiella occidentalis. Species
identification in field as well as in Lab. GPS collection of all vernal pools visited. Large
database of Merced vernal pool information. Extension of previously known fairy shrimp
habitat as well as new populations of the Endangered B. conservatio fairy shrimp. Other
sensitive species include tadpole shrimp, spadefoot toads, and tiger salamanders. 4 months.
Spring 2001,2002
4. Mammals
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Surveys: Nasa Aames Research Center. Menlo Park, CA.
Conducted environmental and biological construction monitoring for removal
of an old jet fuel pipeline in salt marsh wetlands. Conducted surveys for Salt
Marsh Harvest Mouse, Nesting Clapper Rails, Least Tern and Migratory
Nesting Birds. Responsible for conducting contractor training, which detailed
mitigation measures and Sensitive Species issues. Also completed daily reports.
Debra Chromzak Consulting, 2012
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Trapping and Surveys. City of San Francisco. Surveys for salt
marsh harvest mouse and other small mammals including mice, voles, moles, wood rats
along San Francisco and Marin Headlands. Taking of house mice (mus musculus) and others
for tissue sampling. Small mammal cages. Pit trap surveys for invertebrates. Project for
Lead contamination in small mammals from lead paint from the Golden Gate Bridge. Soma
Corporation. Spring and Summer 2002.
Merced County Kit Fox Surveys. Surveys for kit fox on two large ranches in Merced
County. Surveys included various types of trapping methods as well as eye shine surveys at
night. Ibis Environmental Fall 2001.
Kit Fox Kiewit fiber optic line surveys. Lines surveyed include Oakland to Sacramento,
Oakland to San Jose and Paso Robles to Los Angeles. Pre-construction surveys for sensitive
species. Included Swainsons hawk, burrowing owl, kit fox, red-legged frog, Least Bells
vireo and rare plant pre-construction surveys. Sensitive habitat flagging for vernal pool, salt
and fresh water marsh, riparian habitat, elderberry trees, oaks and other sensitive species.
Levine and Fricke, 2000
5. Botanical
Potrero Landfills Botanical Surveys. Surveys and construction monitoring for
all botanical species and rare plants. Area consisted of grasslands and vernal
pools. Rare plants include Astragalus tener tener, and Lasthenia congugens
Mapping and GPS. BIOMAAS 2014,2015,2016
Roseville Vernal Pool Botany Surveys. Botanical surveys in created and natural vernal
pools throughout the city of Roseville. Discovered new populations of Downingia pusilla
Vollmar Consulting 2010, 2013,2014,2015,2016
Walker Ridge Botanical Surveys. Surveys for rare and sensitive plants in Lake County.
Serpentine Soils on long ridgeline. Many local species and new range extensions.
Vollmar Consulting. 2010, 2011,2012
Plumas National Forest Rare Plant Surveys. Over 1000 acres. Surveys for rare plants as
well as exotics. All populations GPS and flagged. Plants found include the sensitive species
Hackelia amythestina and Penstemon sudans. Mixed conifer. Vollmar Consulting 2006
Contra Costa Goldfields Montezuma Wetlands Vernal Pool Surveys. North S.F. Bay. Rare
plant surveys and mapping vernal pools. Species identification including threatened and
endangered plants. Located species include Downingia pusilla,, and Astragalus tener var.
tener. Vollmar Consulting 2003, 2005
Botanical surveys Tejon Ranch. Ft. Tejon. Over 14,000 acre surveys of oak woodland and
scrub habitat in undeveloped wilderness area in the Tehachapi mountains. Surveys for rare
and endangered plant species as well as full botanical inventory. Surveys conducted on
ATV and foot. Many new and previously undiscovered species were identified including Ft.
Tejon Wooly sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum hallii) and Navaretia setiloba Vollmar
Consulting 2003, 2004, 2005
Arizona Riparian Mapping Project Arizona Game and Fish- Nongame Branch. Statewide,
AZ. Employed as a field biologist for groundtruthing riparian habitat as part of a large scale
mapping project using satellite imagery. Extensive field identification of hundreds of plant
taxa in perennial riparian and upland habitats throughout Arizona. Identification of grasses,
herbs, shrubs, trees in quarter acre riparian plots. Intensive willow (Salix) training by George
Argus (writer of Arizona Flora section on Salix) for identification purposes in mountain
regions. GPS all information. 2 year project. 5 days a week in field. Arizona Game and Fish.
6. Riparian and Wetland Restoration, Monitoring and Wetland Delineations
San Antonio Creek Restoration, Enhancement and Rehabilitation, Sunol, Ca. SFPUC.
Large plant restoration with over 100,000 container plants of a variety of native wetland and
riparian species. Performance monitoring conducted in a variety of habitats, including
riparian corridors, wetlands, sycamore riparian, oak woodland and oak savannah. Weed
abatement and removal, wetland delineations and rangeland surveys also conducted. A.T.S.
Vernal Pool Study in the City of Roseville, Ca. A 2-year study looking at created and
natural vernal pools for mitigation sites created over the last 10 years. Comparison of
vernal pool “success” against natural pools. Topographic and biological surveys of Vernal
Pools. Includes full invertebrate sampling. Vollmar Consulting 2010, 2011, 2012,
Aqua Fria Creek Restoration: SFPUC, Seismic Upgrade, Freemont, CA.
Designed and implemented restoration plan for section of Aqua Fria Creek that had been
cleared for installation of water pipeline. Restoration included Red willow, Black walnut,
Oaks, Sedges and Rushes, Mule fat, Buckeye and many other species. 2013, 2014, 2015
Wildcat Creek restoration and watershed monitoring in Tilden Park, Berkeley, Ca. 3-
month restoration of portion of wildcat creek damaged in 2010 storm. Monitoring of
watershed, environmental inspection and construction compliance monitoring. Daily
inspection and testing of water quality. Surveyed for California Red- Legged Frog and
California Tiger Salamander. Supervised and relocation California Newts and other species
in watershed. Revegetation of creek. Vollmar Consulting, 2012
Rancho Arroyo Seco Wetland Delineation, Ione, Ca. Formal wetland delineation on
approximately 500-acre site. Delineation with Munsel soil charts, plant identification and
hydrological analysis. 2010 Vollmar Consulting
Yolo Wetland Delineation. Yolo County. Wetland delineation for proposed restoration area.
1000-acre site. Wetlands and Water Resources 2010.
Meyer Cookware Wetland/ Goldfields Mitigation Project. Fairfield, CA. Ongoing vernal
Pool restoration on a 59-acre parcel near Fairfield, Cal. with emphasis on research of
controlling factors for Contra Costa goldfields (Lasthenia conjugens). Biologist/ Botanist for
a multi-faceted wetland/ rare plant mitigation project. Surveying includes wildlife,
hydrology and botany of area. Natural history research. Botanical work includes conducting
an ecological study of ten goldfield populations in the Fairfield area. Yearly monitoring.
Vollmar Consulting 1997- 2005
Arizona Riparian Mapping Project. Statewide, Arizona. 2 year state wide riparian
inventory and mapping project in Arizona which included ground truthing Landsat imagery
and aerial photos delineating riparian habitat from upland communities onto maps utilizing
Global Positioning Systems (GPS); identifying all riparian and upland vegetation species
within the state of Arizona; assessing statewide conditions based upon searches for sensitive
and/or threatened species, hydrological parameters, and land use impacts. Project work
required extended hiking and camping in remote areas, as well as the supervision of staff
members and volunteers. Extensive restoration guidelines were also developed. Arizona
Game and Fish Nongame Branch. 1993-1995
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Permits 10(a)(1)(A) TE-035336-2 for
California Tiger Salamander (CTS)
Fairy Shrimp
Red Legged Frog (CRLF)
Scientific Collection Permit 007796- Includes collection of Bird Eggs, and Salvage, Fish
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Botanical Collection Permit
Vollmar Consulting John Vollmar 510-559-9603
A.T.S, Mark Fogiel (530) 277-0500 [email protected]
Siegel Wetlands. Stuart Siegel 415-823-3746 [email protected]